Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Google Buzz Layer for Google Maps

Google Buzz从诞生那天起就跟位置服务紧密连接在了一起,我们可以在移动Google Maps里看到大家都在哪里发送Buzz(只要他们发送的时候让Google记录自己的位置),这个功能非常有趣,特别是在某些特殊事件发生之时,可以按照位置看到某个区域里的人们都在想什么做什么(而不是按照timeline的传统方式)。


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Google Buzz Layer for Google Maps

via Google Operating System by Alex Chitu on 4/21/10

The desktop version of Google Maps added a layer that was already available in the mobile interface: a Google Buzz layer. In addition to showing geotagged Google Buzz messages on the map, Google also shows posts from Twitter, FriendFeed and other similar services, so it's strange to see that the layer is called "Buzz". To enable the layer, go to Google Maps, click on the "More" tab and select "Buzz" from the list of layers.

"Find an interesting area like your neighborhood and select any available icon to see what's going on there. In the post's window, click on the name to see the author's public profile, the timestamp to comment on the post, or the place to see it in Maps," suggests Google.

The integration of Google Buzz's mobile app with Google Maps is probably the best feature of the application. When you post a message using the mobile application, Google uses your location to find nearby places and lets you pick one of them. This way, Google Buzz users can post useful information about local businesses without adding a review to Google Maps.


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Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Google Chat Enhances Links to Google Maps



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Google Chat Enhances Links to Google Maps

via Google Operating System by Alex Chitu on 4/14/10

When you type a link to Google Maps search results in Gmail Chat, iGoogle Chat or orkut's chat box, Google replaces the long URL with the Google Maps query. Google Maps URLs are usually very long because they include a lot of parameters, but Google should do a better job at removing extraneous parameters.

"On the Gmail version of Google Talk, Google now shortens the links and makes them readable. For example, it changes the link:,+tx&sll=30.606817,-96.309929&sspn=0.050086,0.090895&ie=UTF8&hq=HEB&hnear=College+Station,+TX&ll=30.6128,-96.318512&spn=0.050083,0.090895&z=14 to a link where the text is HEB near College Station, TX," noticed Korben, a reader of this blog.

{ Thanks, Korben. }


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Sunday, April 11, 2010



Google 官方博客称,过去几十年中,来自约翰内斯堡金山大学的Lee Berger 教授和他的同事找到了很多洞穴和化石沉积层,后来这名教授通过Google地球对这些地点进行了考察。


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via 读写网唯一官方中文站 by 译言 on 4/11/10



严格讲他发现了两块 Australopithecus sediba(距今178万-195万年前的一种直立行走的类人动物)的骨骼碎片。

Google 官方博客称,过去几十年中,来自约翰内斯堡金山大学的Lee Berger 教授和他的同事找到了很多洞穴和化石沉积层,后来这名教授通过Google地球对这些地点进行了考察。

Berger教 授在卫星图片上的洞穴表征和化石沉积层之间建立起关联。他先从约翰内斯堡附近"人类摇篮"地区的130个洞穴遗址着手,并研究了大约20个化石沉积层。通 过Google地球的高分辨率图片,他找到了500个尚未被识别的洞穴和化石沉积层。在其中一处遗址中,Berger教授发现了这些骨骼碎片。


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