Tuesday, July 21, 2009


4 0 年后,人类探月壮举继续前行

SketchUp goes to the Moon
from Google LatLong by elaine
[Cross-posted from the SketchUp Blog]

With the launch of Moon in Google Earth today, you can now explore our nearest celestial neighbor from within Google Earth. Beginning in 1959, we began to send probes and landers to the lunar surface, and most of them remain there to this day.

Many of these objects have been modeled in Google SketchUp, and are based on drawings, photographs, and dimensions. One model that has a prolific presence on the Moon comes from Google 3D Warehouse model contributor, Pagan. This user modeled theApollo Lunar Module and it is featured at each of the Apollo mission landing sites, as well as in the guided tours.

To view these models in Google Earth, first switch to Moon via the planetary drop-down menu at the top of the screen.


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4 0 年后,人类探月壮举继续前行

via Google 黑板报 -- Google 中国的博客网志 by joydandan on 7/21/09



1969 年 7 月 20 日,终于有三位地球人来到月球,其中两位踏出"阿波罗 11 号"的舱门,在月球上留下了的一个人类的足迹,全球有超过 5 亿观众观看了人类登月的壮举。

40 年后的今天,科技水平突飞猛进,月球探索仍然在继续前行。让我们记住 40 年前那伟大的日子,纪念人类踏上月球的第一步。



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