Thursday, February 21, 2008


Sometimes simpler is better...



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Sometimes simpler is better...

via Google LatLong by elaine on 2/21/08

Posted by Jeffrey Martin, Product Marketing Manager

...just take the case of our new Static Maps API. Unlike our other APIs, which embed an interactive map in your web pages, the Static Maps API embeds a static snapshot. The snapshot map loads fast, making it ideal for content-heavy and multimedia-rich pages.

And because they are not rendered using JavaScript, maps generated by the Static Maps API can be added to emails as attachments. On webpages and in gadget ads, it is possible to combine the Static Maps API with the JavaScript API to make the static map interactive when a user rolls over or clicks on it.

This new API is perfect for putting together maps like "Best sushi restaurants in Portland," "Tallest buildings in Chicago," or a simple storefinder like "Bob's Organic Market," or creating a map to send as an email attachment that shows where events for your wedding are taking place.

Now, defining a map image is as easy as can be; you just choose your zoom level and create placemarks – no Javascript required. Done! A Google Map appears on your site, enabling people to find you – or the things you care about.

To find out more, check out our developer's guide.


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