Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Google Street View helps find kidnapped Mass. child



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Google Street View helps find kidnapped Mass. child

via Google LatLong by elaine on 1/7/09

[Cross-posted with the Public Policy Blog]

An interesting first (at least as far as we're aware): Google's Street View imagery was used by police officers to help successfully locate a kidnapped child in rural Virginia.  Nine year old Natalie Maltais, from Athol, Massachusetts, was found safely at a motel on Tuesday.  You can read more in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette.

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Posted by Pablo Chavez, Senior Policy Counsel


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Geotagging blog posts



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Geotagging blog posts

via Google LatLong by elaine on 1/7/09

As part of the Lat Long blog team, I'm naturally a big fan of both maps and blogs. Recently, the Blogger team launched a feature that combines both of these -- geotagging for your blog posts.

When you use Blogger in draft, you'll see an option below the post editor to "add location". If you know the exact location, you can simply enter the address, city, or zip code; if you're blogging about the view from the top of a mountain you just hiked or don't have a precise location, you can browse the map or turn on satellite mode and put a marker at the right spot (and the reverse geocoder will label the location for you). The geotag will appear below your published post as a link, which will open up Google Maps. The location will also be included in your blog's RSS and Atom feeds using GeoRSS.

Read more about geotagging on the Blogger in draft blog.

Posted by Elaine Filadelfo, Lat Long Blog Team


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Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Google Earth软件全球下载人数超过2亿

Google的地理软件部门首席技术官Michael Jones表示,全球使用公司的Google地球软件的人数已经超过巴西的人口,在全球人口最稠密国家中排在第五位。许多人安装了公司的地图应用软件,这 一软件能够使人们在计算机屏幕上从空中观看到他们的家庭。


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Google Earth软件全球下载人数超过2亿

via Google(谷歌)实验室 by admin on 1/6/09


当地时间本周二,搜索巨头Google的地理软件部门首席技术官Michael Jones表示,全球使用公司的Google地球软件的人数已经超过巴西的人口,在全球人口最稠密国家中排在第五位。许多人安装了公司的地图应用软件,这 一软件能够使人们在计算机屏幕上从空中观看到他们的家庭。




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