Saturday, December 27, 2008





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via 弯曲评论 by 陈怀临 on 12/27/08


1. 整个安全软件系统环境叫做StoneOS更概念正确一些,而非是一个middleware层叫做StoneOS。 目前标注的StoneOS可以(应该)改成StoneKernel才概念完整。另外,其Fabric应该取名为StoneFabric。这样就很完整。整个软件系统叫做StoneOS。优化或裁剪的Kernel叫StoneKernel。ASIC叫StoneASIC。


3.从计算机世界实验室的测试来看,StoneOS和StoneASIC对AV方面的功夫下的很大。如接近2Gbps的AV性能。 确实不错。从其体系结构来看,应该是全部靠CPU来做的。这方面其实还有空间,如通过Cavium或StoneFabric(希望山石网络启用我创造的词汇)的PCI-E Interface做或买一个AV的FPGA加速器等。

Hillstone 全线产品采用专用多线程实时64位并行操作系统,多线程的并行处理能力和模块化的结构易于集成和扩展安全功能,专用的安全加固的64位操作系统针对新一代 多核处理器安全架构进行了全面的优化和安全加固,极大地提高了系统的处理效率、系统稳定性和安全性。模块化和多线程的处理机制,为Hillstone新一 代的网络安全系统提供了极大的可扩展能力,包括支持更多核处理器和集成更多安全功能。
众 所周知,操作系统是整个安全设备的核心和基础,安全产品的操作系统必须具有很强的抗攻击能力,而基于软件的安全系统采用的是通用的操作系统,通用操作系统 会暴露大量的操作系统漏洞,安全系统再强大,操作系统的漏洞会直接导致这个系统的崩溃。目前,专用定制的操作系统被广泛采用。Hillstone系列产品 均采用定制的专用操作系统StoneOS。StoneOS具有64位实时并行处理能力,其核心针对Hillstone硬件产品进行了全面优化,使得系统具 有更高的处理效率和稳定性。模块化的系统结构易于集成更多的安全功能,系统具有极强的伸缩性和可扩展性。任何独立的安全模块出现问题都不会影响整个系统的运行。



Things you can do from here:


Thursday, December 25, 2008


谷歌推中国历史地图 首张图为赤壁之战

12月22日消息 近日,谷歌中国推出了一项名为"历史地图"的新功能,首张历史地图为"赤壁之战",包含有赤壁之战期间12个历史事件的地理信息,以及相关的人物、事件等文字信息。



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谷歌推中国历史地图 首张图为赤壁之战

于 08-12-21 通过 Google(谷歌)实验室 作者:admin

12月22日消息 近日,谷歌中国推出了一项名为"历史地图"的新功能,首张历史地图为"赤壁之战",包含有赤壁之战期间12个历史事件的地理信息,以及相关的人物、事件等文字信息。







Tuesday, December 23, 2008





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于 08-12-23 通过 Google 黑板报 -- Google 中国的博客网志 作者:joydandan

发表者:谷歌中国工程师 杨帆 吴伊自


于是下午一封群体信发给了所有的工程师,征集对三国以及对中国历史和地理感兴趣并愿意贡献 20% 时间的人手,部队就这么拉了起来。俗话说:三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮,我们的人虽然不多,但坐下来开个会至少也能顶三个诸葛亮了。第一次会议的议程是确定产品目标和技术方向。因为只是一个 20% 的项目,于是我们选择了使用 Mapplet 进行开发。Mapplet 是在 Google 地图中运行的迷你程序,换句话说,就是地图上的 Gadget,任何第三方开发者都可以开发,简单快捷,完全符合我们短平快的需求。接下来进行分工,大家各自认领自己擅长的部分。地图组负责渲染一幅东汉末年的地图,资料组定下数据结构,并负责查阅史书,整理史料数据,而开发组则负责用 Mapplet 技术开发,三个组各自获得一个诸葛亮。

之后的事情就是每天在工作的闲暇时候找几篇资料或是写几行代码,并通过邮件进行一些讨论与交流。没有老板,也没有时间表,所有的东西都是大家自己琢磨和讨论出来的,每周一次的组会仅仅开到第三次,产品的原型就完成了,随后就是修改 Bug,美化页面,填充史料,这时候已经没有了小组的分工,谁看到了程序 Bug,看到了数据问题,就直接去改,于是一周后的会议上,完整的赤壁之战地图(已经等待发布了。

赤壁之战地图上包括了东汉末年全国各州郡治所的城市,部分知名县城、战场。如果对比古今地图,还能看到海岸线、湖泊以及黄河河道的古今变迁。可以在左边下拉框选择半透明层叠模式查看地图进行对比(IE6 无法支持这项功能)。




发布完赤壁之战地图,有人问我们下一个是什么。下一个,谁知道灵感又会在何时何地出现呢?其实,在谷歌强大的地图云平台上,每个人都可以用 Mapplet 做自己想要的——只要你有一点点编程的基础和对历史的兴趣,下一个历史地图的作者,说不定就是你。





Friday, December 19, 2008






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于 08-12-19 通过 Google 黑板报 -- Google 中国的博客网志 作者:joydandan








Wednesday, December 17, 2008





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于 08-12-17 通过 Google 黑板报 -- Google 中国的博客网志 作者:joydandan


感谢科学家的不断呼吁,全球变暖是人尽皆知的事实,你想知道未来 100 年,全球气候的变化将会带来什么变化吗?The Met Office Hadley Centre、British Antarctic Survey 和英国政府利用谷歌地球给你一个直观的演示。

点击全球气候的变化,你会了解人类正在遭受的气候变化的威胁。在谷歌地球画面的上方有一个可以滑动的按钮,左下方有一个表示温度的彩色标尺,你可以用这个按钮选择 2031 年,看看我们的地球发生了这样的变化。

你也可以用年代工具条设置自动播放,从 2000 年 2100 年,通常,你会看到全球的温度随着年代的变化逐渐升高了,地球越来越像一个暖色调的鸡蛋。

The Met Office Hadley Centre、British Antarctic Survey 和英国政府用谷歌地球演示未来 100 年地球变暖的过程。

根据 IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)的观测,2007 年,北极冰盖比 2005 年缩小了 25%,预计到 2050 年,北极的冰盖将消失。




Tuesday, December 16, 2008





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于 08-12-16 通过 Google 黑板报 -- Google 中国的博客网志 作者:joydandan










发布: 2008-12-16 14:05 | 作者: 笛子 | 来源: 3sNews | 查看: 9次



  GeoEye公司商用卫星的发展史,也是全球遥感应用发展的缩影。高分辨率影像的出现,不仅使测绘的 方式达到飞跃式发展,更为人们认识地球、认识自己的家园及生活环境提供了一个新的窗口。这很大程度归功于1994年3月美国克林顿政府颁布的一项关于商业 遥感数据销售新政策--解禁1-10m级分辨率图像的商业销售。之后,伴随着90年代经济的飞速发展,高分辨率商业卫星图像技术的研究与应用也在世界范围内蓬勃发展起来。

  1999年9月24日,Spacing Imaging公司成功发射了世界上第一颗高分辨率卫星--IKONOS,从而开启了商业高分辨率遥感卫星的新时代,开拓了一条崭新、快捷、经济的获取最新基础地理信息的 途径,同时也创立了全新的商业化卫星影像的标准。至此,一度披着神秘面纱的高分辨率卫星影像日益为普通百姓所熟悉,逐渐成为人们生活的一部分。目前,几乎 任何国家或个人都可以购买世界上任何地区的高分辨率卫星影像,人们只要点击鼠标,就能在网上浏览全球主要城市的高分辨率卫星影像。2006年1 月,ORBIMAGE公司成功收购Space Imaging,创办了GeoEye,使GeoEye一举成为世界上最大的商业遥感卫星运营公司。GeoEye除拥有高分辨率商业遥感卫星IKONOS之 外,并在今年9月初成功发射了全球分辨率最高的商业对地观测卫星GeoEye-1。

  基于IKONOS卫星大范围图像采集的高分辨率特 性、同轨立体影像采集特性,以及大量合格存档数据等技术优势,IKONOS卫星自2000年进入中国市场以来,应用日趋广泛,深度也不断加强,已为农业、 环保、资源管理、城市规划、运输、保险、电讯、灾害评估、应急指挥等众多行业和领域提供了数据保障。


   2008年9月,GeoEye-1卫星在美国加州范登堡空军基地升空,引发了高分辨率遥感卫星界一次爆炸性轰动。GeoEye-1发射后,在680千米 高的轨道上环绕地球运行,拍摄的影像黑白分辨率高达0.41米,彩色分辨率高达1.65米。0.41的精度意味着地面上16英寸或者更大尺寸的物体能够清 晰辨认。这是迄今为止商业公司所能提供的最精细的卫星图像。





Monday, December 15, 2008


Google Earth简体中文版

欢迎使用 Google 地球


下载用于 PC、Mac 或 Linux 的 Google 地球 4.3(测试版)

想了解更多功能吗? 下载 Google 地球专业版




Google取消了$20/年的Google Earth Plus

Very Good! Thank Google!


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Google取消了$20/年的Google Earth Plus

于 08-12-13 通过 GSeeker

  Google 取消了 $20/年的Google Earth Plus版本。 这个行为并不是那么疯狂,因为Plus版本只比普通版本多了两个高级功能:GPS支援。有限的数据表导入。这两个功能未来可能会添加到免费的版本中。

  Google说明了GPS功能将在下一个升级中添加到免费版本中。对于已经购买了Plus版本的用户Google允许他们试用高级版两个月,并且他们可以以99美元(而不是400美元)购买高级版。这里 是各种google earth价格的区别。via OgleEarth.



Google发布Google Earth4.0 beta版(支持Linux) - 13 六月 2006

传Google已收购Vutool Google Earth实景化时代将来临? - 29 三月 2007

Eigene Fotos in Google Earth einbinden - 12 April 2007

Google将使用Photoshop改进Google Earth - 01 六月 2007

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Thursday, December 11, 2008


Map making in new worlds



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Map making in new worlds

于 08-12-11 通过 Google LatLong 作者:elaine

We are pleased to announce the launch of Google Map Maker,, for 43 new countries and territories, including Argentina, Costa Rica, and Fiji.  Map Maker now allows people to create complete maps for 164 countries across the world. As we expand the launch of Map Maker to more countries, we never forget that for any user it's all about the world they live in. Map Maker is all about making your local data rich, complete and vibrant. Just take a look at how our users transformed the map of Islamabad, Pakistan in this time lapse video.

We recently took a walk down the memory lane, looking at all the maps users have contributed; one road, one place, and one neighborhood at a time. But when looked at on the world canvas that we are all contributing to, the result is inspiring. Two of our engineers decided to share this excitement with you via this sketch which shows all the roads in Map Maker in one view (use image attached to this email). Notice that we have focused Map Maker on areas with the most pressing information needs, and this shows.

You can share this view with your friends or download it as a screensaver. As 2008 comes to an end, our dream is that with your help this time next year, this sketch will be too bright to use as a screen saver!

Posted by Lalitesh Katragadda, Software Engineer and Lior Ron, Product Manager




Wednesday, December 10, 2008





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于 08-12-10 通过 Google 黑板报 -- Google 中国的博客网志 作者:joydandan








Friday, December 05, 2008




当你看到这段文字的时候,我正在古罗马的街道上飞翔,通过 Google 的"罗马重生项目",6700 栋古罗马建筑在谷歌地球上重新以古罗马三维模拟图像的方式重生,现在让我们回到罗马帝国君士坦丁大帝时代,一起游历 1688 年前的古罗马!


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于 08-12-5 通过 Google 黑板报 -- Google 中国的博客网志 作者:joydandan









Thursday, December 04, 2008


Google Earth... in your browser... on your Mac!

Posted by Mano Marks and Roman Nurik, Geo APIs team


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Google Earth... in your browser... on your Mac!

via Google LatLong by elaine on 12/4/08

[Cross-posted with the Google Geo Developers Blog]

A long time ago, at a conference not too far away, Google launched the Google Earth Browser Plugin, with the Google Earth API. At the time, we promised that we would bring it to the Mac, and now we have.

Today, we're excited to announce the release of the Google Earth Browser Plugin for Mac OS X 10.4+ (PowerPC and Intel). The Mac plugin is supported on Safari 3.1+ and Firefox 3.0+. The download link should now be available to all users from any Earth API-powered site. We also released a game, Puzzler, in honor of the new Mac plugin. It is, of course, playable on a PC as well. We think you'll like it. And as usual, it's open source, so you're free to adopt the code.

In addition to the Mac release, we've also upgraded the Windows version of the plugin. See the release notes for more details.

Posted by Mano Marks and Roman Nurik, Geo APIs team


Things you can do from here:



Modeling for Google Earth is now easier

Posted by Alex Juhola, 3D Data Specialist


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Modeling for Google Earth is now easier

于 08-12-4 通过 SketchUpdate 作者:SketchUp Team

Now that you've downloaded Google SketchUp 7, you may be overwhelmed by all of the new features it has to offer. Let's focus on the new photo matching tools and discover how modeling for Google Earth just got a lot easier.

Let's say we just "matched" a great corner shot of the local bank and are satisfied with the geometry and texturing of the building. Well, almost satisfied -- there are those pesky trees and bushes on every face. Two new tools, Make Unique Texture and Edit Texture will make editing out the trees quick and easy.

First, we'll point SketchUp towards an image editor. In this example, we'll use Photoshop, but any editor will do. Another option is GimPhoto, a free, open source software download.
  1. Window > Preferences > Applications
  2. Choose the image editor of your choice.
Let's dive in and use the new texture tools. To start, isolate the texture on our obstructed faces and make them into their own unique textures. Making a texture unique is helpful if you'd like to sample it to other faces, reduce the file size, or in this instance, take it into an image editor and work on a flat image as opposed to one in perspective. To do so:
  1. Select the face.
  2. Right-click and choose Make Texture Unique.
Finally, we'll bring the now cropped texture into our image editor to remove the trees and bushes. For information on how to remove obstructions, play with color correction, or make alpha-channel images, please visit our Modeling a City Guide PDF. Now, let's get our texture into the editor.
  1. Select the face.
  2. Right-click and hover over Texture.
  3. On the pop-out menu, select Edit Texture Image.
  4. The cropped texture will open in the image editor. Make your edits and save; the edited texture will update in SketchUp.

And voila! A clean, professional looking model.

If you want to submit a model to the 3D Buildings layer in Google Earth, we recommend removing any obstructions such as trees, people, and cars. While edited textures are not an explicit section of our Acceptance Criteria, it's certainly something we keep in mind when comparing two models of the same building.

Now that you know how to make models with obstruction-free textures, it's no surprise you're aching to start modeling. Check out the Help Model a City collections on the Google 3D Warehouse - with 15 different collections and almost 300 buildings ready to be modeled, there are buildings for modelers of every ability level. Each model file contains imported terrain, a sign post marking the intended building, and a description where you'll find a link to a Picasa Web Album with all of the photos you'll need.

Posted by Alex Juhola, 3D Data Specialist




Wednesday, December 03, 2008


20 days, 9 hours...Xmas



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20 days, 9 hours...

于 08-12-3 通过 Google LatLong 作者:elaine

With Thanksgiving dinner eaten and the calendar changed to December, it's officially the holiday season. And for the Geo team, that means it's time get ready to track Santa. Once again, Google has teamed up with NORAD to bring you the Santa Tracker, allowing you to follow Santa's path around the world with Google Earth and Google Maps. You can find all the details on the Official Google Blog.

Posted by Aaron Stein, Santa Tracker Team





Happier travels through Street View with Pegman



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Happier travels through Street View with Pegman

于 08-11-25 通过 Google LatLong 作者:elaine

Today we're happy to announce some big improvements to the Street View feature in Google Maps! Thanks to feedback from our users, we've now made Street View even better and easier to use.

For one thing, Pegman, our plucky mascot, is now close at hand wherever you go. He hangs out right on top of the zoom slider:

To enter Street View, drag Pegman to a street (or just keep zooming in all the way, and the lowest zoom level is now Street View imagery). Tip: if you hold Pegman over a location for a second, you'll see a preview of what it looks like. Which direction you're facing depends on which side of the street you drag to:

Also, we've revamped the layout of Street View to give you more room for looking at really big stuff like the Colosseum in Rome, or for zooming in to get a better look at small stuff like this space invader mosaic in Paris.

The minimap in the corner lets you see the surrounding area. To see Street View and the map at the same time, you can click on the icon at the top left of the minimap. Looking up driving directions? This split screen view is especially handy for previewing turns along the way, and each step will be listed at the top of the Street View image.

Want to learn more and see the new features in action? Check out this video, narrated by Pegman himself:

And since Pegman now has even more of a starring role while you're exploring Street View, we thought we'd take a moment to celebrate him with a parade of Pegman Easter eggs, sketches, and prototypes:

Posted by Stephane Lafon, Software Engineer & Andy Szybalski, User Experience Designer



