Sunday, August 31, 2008


Empowering users to map their worlds增强用户绘出自己的世界

Posted by Lalitesh Katragadda, Software Engineer and creator, Google Map Maker


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Empowering users to map their worlds

via The Official Google Blog by Karen on 28/08/08

In countries like India, great maps and comprehensive local data are hard to come by. And traditional mapping approaches are stretched to the limit in such environments, where infrastructure and local businesses are evolving at a furious pace.

This need inspired us in Google India to design and build Google Map Maker, which enables users everywhere over to create rich, deep maps and fresh local data. People can mark their favorite spots in their cities and hometowns, add features such as roads, parks, and buildings, tag small businesses to help users find them, and collaborate to map neighborhoods of interest. This product is motivated by the spirit of information democracy, where people can create information that are moderated and consumed by their peers.

Today, we are bringing home this innovation by launching Google Map Maker in India, which has already been deployed in 57 other countries.

We hope Google Map Maker will result in rich local data which will benefit Google users both on the web and on mobile. The creation of base maps where there were previously none will encourage many mashups, mapplets and other cool applications that make use of this data. We're also excited to see Google Map Maker create a new breed of local map experts who bring their passion for their neighborhoods and communities into the online world, adding to local commerce, tourism and investment.

I will leave you with a map of IIT Bombay, the alma mater to many of us in Google India. When I spent a few hours mapping IIT Bombay -- the place I lived in, the school I went to, and the streets I played on, it turned out to be a surprisingly satisfying experience that reconnected me to a place that is home to many of my memories. We hope you will find the Google Map Maker experience as fun and fulfilling as we do.

Posted by Lalitesh Katragadda, Software Engineer and creator, Google Map Maker


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人民网 - 7小时前
北京时间8月29日消息,地眼(GeoEye Inc)在周四宣布,它已经与谷歌签订了合作协议,它将在9月4日宇宙飞船发射后为谷歌地球和谷歌地图提供其地眼1号卫星拍摄的高清晰 ...
新华网 - 2008年8月29日
新华网莫斯科8月29日电(记者聂云鹏)据俄塔社报道,俄罗斯29日用一枚"第聂伯"运载火箭发射5颗德国地球探测卫星。 俄塔社援引俄军方发言人沃夫克的话说,这枚 ...
北方网 - 8小时前
Google已经与GeoEye卫星公司签约,将获得后者提供的精度达41厘米的超清晰卫星照片,而这也将是迄今为止商业公司所能提供的最精细的卫星图像。 ...
搜狐 - 2008年8月28日
【搜狐IT消息】北京时间8月29日消息:据国外媒体报道,周四,地眼(GeoEye)公司宣布,已经和Google签约,将把即将发射的新卫星获得的高清照片提供给Google地球。 ...
IT世界 - 2008年8月28日
育碧昨日宣布将利用GeoEye的IKONOS地球影像卫星为旗下空战作品《汤姆克兰西之鹰击长空》(Tom Clancy's HAWX)提供地貌实景素材。 GeoEye的IKONOS是世界上首个提供高 ...


Friday, August 22, 2008


Google Releases Geolocation Features for Ajax API, Gears



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Google Releases Geolocation Features for Ajax API, Gears

via Google Blogoscoped by Philipp Lenssen on 8/22/08

Google provides a neat new way for you to grab the user's location information via JavaScript. It's the ClientLocation property of their Ajax API. All you need is a free API key, and then you can load their JavaScript file in your HTML, and access the properties city, country, country code, region, and latitude/ longitude (where available, that is – the values may not always be found by Google, and Google disclaims they are only "approximate"). With this information in hand you can then feed it back to other services, including the Google Maps API, or say an image search for the city name – take a look at the example page called "Where are you?" I've created. The only thing officially missing seems to be a server-side way to access the geolocation data.

In other geolocation news, Google released a Geolocation module for their Gears API. Google in their blog post on this says the data returned here is more precise than what the Ajax API delivers, as it "can use the cell-ID of nearby cell towers or on-board GPS (if either is available)". However, for this to work users need to have the Google Gears plug-in installed on either their desktop or their mobile system.

Google continues trying to make their open-sourced Gears more useful to web developers, but what's in it for them? Well, the more useful Gears becomes as a plug-in the more likely it will be pre-installed on systems in the future – which increases the control Google has over the browser environment, which in turn enables them to more quickly launch initiatives which make the web in general and their tools more powerful without the need to go through years of industry lobbying/ standardization/ browser updating & deployment processes. As with other initiatives in which Google tries to speed up deployment of frameworks which hold the power to benefit them, the Google branding is de-emphasized here. For instance, you won't find a big Google logo on the Free the Airwaves homepage, the Android homepage, the Open Handset Alliance, or the OpenSocial blog, even when Google is either owner or major party in these projects. And take a look at how the Gears project changed its name and logo from "Google Gears" to just "Gears" over time (while adjusting the motto from "Enabling Offline Web Applications" to the more general "Improving Your Web Browser"):

Google's boss Eric Schmidt is a self-proclaimed Machiavelli fan, and Machiavelli once posed the question of whether for a leader it's better to be feared or loved. I think Google answered the question for themselves: in today's free-roaming web environment, it's clearly much better for them to be loved.

[Via Reto.]

[By Philipp Lenssen | Origin: Google Releases Geolocation Features for Ajax ... | Comments]

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via 月光博客 by (williamlong) on 8/22/08








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via 与G共舞·IT by zousuper on 8/21/08






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Tuesday, August 19, 2008





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via 与G共舞·IT by zousuper on 8/19/08

谷歌地图中国版  谷歌地图在美国十分流行,而在中国,限于法律的约束,有很多重要的功能无法在大陆地区推出,谷歌一直在为此进行公关。今年三月,谷歌低调推出了地形模式功能,今天,与G共舞读者Marcher来信提醒说,在谷歌地图中国版(,已经可以使用"卫星"视图模式查看Google Earth的卫星地图。







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Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Where is Georgia on Google Maps?格鲁吉亚在哪里

Posted by Dave Barth, Product Manager


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Where is Georgia on Google Maps?

via Google LatLong by elaine on 12/08/08

The recent conflict in Georgia has raised some questions about how Google Maps has handled mapping in that part of the world. The most obvious question is, why doesn't Google Maps show any cities or roads for Georgia, or its neighbors Armenia and Azerbaijan? The answer is we never launched coverage in those countries because we simply weren't satisfied with the map data we had available. We're constantly searching for the best map data we can find, and sometimes will delay launching coverage in a country if we think we can get more comprehensive data. Some of our customers have asked if we removed map data from any of these countries in response to the recent hostilities in that region and I can assure you that is not the case. Data for these countries were never on Google Maps in the first place.

But this has generated a lot of feedback that we are listening to and learning from. We're hearing from our users that they would rather see even very basic coverage of a country than see nothing at all. That certainly makes sense, and so we have started preparing data for the handful of countries that are still blank on Google Maps. Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, as well as other significant regions of the world will benefit from this effort.

In the meantime, much of this data, including cities in Georgia and other surrounding countries, can be found in Google Earth.

Posted by Dave Barth, Product Manager


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Friday, August 08, 2008


Google Maps上的北京2008奥运会



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Google Maps上的北京2008奥运会

via 月光博客 by (williamlong) on 08/08/08

  据Google Latlong报道,随着2008夏季奥运会在北京的正式举行,Google Maps已经更新了北京地区的卫星地图,并详细添增了双语地图在上面,并使用Google sketchup建立了一个三维体育场

  此外,今天Google还在Google Maps上发布了一个2008奥运会网页中文版),这是一个一站式的奥运更新的页面,包括奥运奖牌排行、比赛项目时间和结果、场馆卫星地图等等。




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Thursday, August 07, 2008


Off to the Games!

Posted by Brittany Bohnet, Google Maps Special Projects


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Off to the Games!

via Google LatLong by Kate on 07/08/08

The 2008 Summer Games will soon commence in Beijing and will run from August 8th to August 24th. You may have noticed that we recently updated our satellite imagery in Beijing, have added detailed bilingual maps in China, and have created a collection of 3D stadiums using Google Sketchup.

In addition to all of this, today we're launching the 2008 Summer Games on Google Maps. It's a one-stop shop for viewing live updates from the Games, including up-to-date medal counts by country, events by date, and results by sport.

To track medal counts, click on the 'Medals' tab and zoom or pan the map to see updates around the world. Clicking on a country or region will display medal information as it's received. Use the 'Events' tab to view the latest schedules by date, country, and sport. All data--including country and region participants, sport results, and medal counts--is provided through an official feed from the World News Press Agency (WNPA).

As a bonus, we've also included a way to view sports stadiums and venues in 3D. By clicking the 'Earth' tab, PC users can access the Google Earth plug-in and virtually explore the Beijing Village. Not a PC user? No problem. All users are also able to preview the venue information and 3D fly-through videos within the map.

If you'd rather follow the Games from your desktop, we've launched a Google Earth KML that highlights similar information and provides a unique virtual experience. To whet your palate, here's a video tour of the 3D Village:

Posted by Brittany Bohnet, Google Maps Special Projects


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