Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Google Maps Power to the print

by Andrew Gove and Jonathan Siegel, Software Engineers


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Power to the print

via Google LatLong by elaine on 7/30/08

Google Maps can help get you where you want to go, but let's face it, you can't be online all the time. Sometimes you really just need a good old-fashioned hard copy, so we're making it easier to print exactly the information you want: text directions, maps for any step, and - for the first time - Street View images.

Printing Directions with More Maps and Street View
Let's drive to a hotel in Tribeca from JFK Airport -- start off by clicking the Print link as usual.

Unfamiliar with the area? You can turn on a full-size overview map for your entire route and specific maps for each step.
Chances are, however, that you don't need that much detail for every single step, so hover directly over each step to turn that map on or off.
And if you follow directions best by using visual cues and landmarks, you can now add Street View images to your printed directions wherever coverage is available. Street View will show you what your step will look like as you approach it. For instance, below at step 14, we're on Chambers Street facing west and the directions tell us to turn right on to Church Street -- and we now have an idea of what that will look like.

You can turn on all available Street View images by selecting the "Street View" option at the top of the page. Or, you can hover over any step to see if Street View is available for that particular location, then click the "Street View" link to turn on the image for that step. If you want more control over the final print-out, simply grab and pan the image to reveal other landmarks - your Street View image will be printed at the viewing angle of your choice.

Printing Street View Directly
Now that we've arrived safely at our hotel, let's head uptown to the Natural History Museum. A printed map of the area with an image of the entrance might help us orient ourselves when we're on the street and away from the computer. Just pan your map over to the museum, and find the entrance in Street View. Click "Print" above the map to open the preview window. Finally, customize the layout to add or remove the map, and pan the Street View image to show exactly what you want. Print, pack and enjoy!
Posted by Andrew Gove and Jonathan Siegel, Software Engineers


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Google Maps改版,支持中国地图

这个新版的Google Maps出来之后,昨天所说的搜狗卫星地图的优势就荡然无存了,因为现在Google Maps在中国也能传统地图卫星地图共同显示了,虽然坐标还有点误差,但相信Google稍后会修正这些错误的。


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Google Maps改版,支持中国地图

via 月光博客 by (williamlong) on 7/30/08

  Google Maps今日进行了大改版,对于中国用户来说,这次改版最重大的意义在于,Google Maps国际版首次加入了中国的传统地图的地理交通信息,首次将交通地图和卫星地图整合在一起,使用户使用更为方便,使用地图所带来的信息和价值大为提升。

  另外,在Google Maps国际版中,中文也得到了完美的支持,中国用户访问Google Maps后显示的为全中文界面,搜索中文关键字会显示出商户的信息,如下图所示。

中国用户访问Google Maps



  同样,在Google Maps中点"卫星"可以看到刚才界面的卫星地图,但是我发现,两者在坐标上有不少差别,地理位置并不能完全吻合,误差至少有几十米左右,如下图所示。

Google Maps

  这个新版的Google Maps出来之后,昨天所说的搜狗卫星地图的优势就荡然无存了,因为现在Google Maps在中国也能传统地图卫星地图共同显示了,虽然坐标还有点误差,但相信Google稍后会修正这些错误的。

继续阅读《Google Maps改版,支持中国地图》的全文内容...


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Tuesday, July 29, 2008





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via 月光博客 by (williamlong) on 7/28/08




  根据我的使用观察,搜狗卫星地图的数据实际来自DigitalGlobe,在其地图上有DigitalGlobe的标志。DigitalGlobe是高分辨率影像领域的全球商业化领导者,同时也是Google Earth的卫星影像提供商,DigitalGlobal拥有3颗成像卫星:Worldview I、Worldview II 和 QuickBird。这些卫星能够搜集高分辨率的商业地球影像,比其他所有的商业化卫星都能提供最大尺寸、最大在线存储量和最高分辨率的影像。Google Earth卫星地图的影像就是由DigitalGlobe的QuickBird等卫星拍摄,其图像清晰度非常高。这次搜狗推出的卫星地图,我估计也是通过购买DigitalGlobe的卫星图像来实现的。搜狗卫星地图和Google Earth所不同的是,搜狗直接在地图上标记了部分街道、桥梁、楼宇的名称,但目前没有发现用户交互式标记的功能,预计搜狗也不会开放这样的功能给大众。



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Saturday, July 26, 2008


视频:中国军事专家论谷歌地球探索(Google Earth)



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视频:中国军事专家论谷歌地球探索(Google Earth)

via 与G共舞·IT by zousuper on 7/26/08

  谷歌地球探索软件(Google Earth)能威胁谁?谷歌地球探索是一款由谷歌公司开发的虚拟地球软件。2005年6月,谷歌地球的推出让所有用户都体验到了那种震撼的感觉,通过谷歌地球,你可以浏览全球范围内任何一处地点的高清晰度卫星照片,甚至还可以从中找到自家屋顶……央视国际频道邀请中国安全专家讨论谷歌地球探索的利与弊。

P.S. 我被那个专家为谷歌地球探索找到的盈利模式雷到了……(22分30秒之后)

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Google Earth高级程序员辞职 称Google规模过大

Google(谷歌)虚拟地球仪服务部门"谷歌地图"(Google Earth)高级程序员韦斯・蒂里(Wes Thierry)周四在其博客中表示,他已从Google离职,原因是觉得目前Google人员和业务规模都很大,而自己更愿意到规模较小的公司工作.蒂里周四在博客中表示:"我已经准备离开Google这艘大船了.本周三很可能是我在 Google工作的最后一天."他最初在卫星地图服务商Keyhole从事程序开发工作.2004年Google收购Keyhole,并在后者技术基础上 推出一Google Earth服务.蒂里因Keyhole被收购而加入Google.

蒂里在博客中写道:"过去数年中,我一直从事同一种产品开发.我很怀念最初在一家小型创业公司工作的时光.目前Google开发团队规模已经很大.我离职 的原因很简单:就是想换一下工作环境.虽然我对Google存有很美好的记忆,但今天的 Google已经与数年前大为不同."

蒂里表示,自己准备先到欧洲休假一段时间,然后再到一家主营虚拟现实(virtual reality)服务的小型公司任职.他在周四的博客还披露,在他加盟Keyhole之前,该公司运营情况已难以为继,手下员工连工资都拿不到.但美国政 府于2003年3月底发起伊拉克战争后,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)首先使用了Keyhole产品,此后Keyhole才逐渐获得了外界关注.

蒂里还透露,在Keyhole发展初期,美国中央情报局(CIA)是该公司的主要资金援助人.时至今日,CIA也是Google Earth的大客户之一,但CIA对Google Earth开发的影响力正日益减弱,原因是CIA所提供的资金对Google来说已可有可无.


Monday, July 21, 2008


Summer camp, Google Earth style!

Posted by Tina Ornduff, Google Earth Education team


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Summer camp, Google Earth style!

via Google LatLong by elaine on 7/21/08

Last week, 18 Googlers brought their 9-12 year old kids to our Mountain View headquarters to spend their week learning with Google Earth and all the other geo tools. By the end of the week, the "Geo Camp" participants had mastered Google Earth, Maps, and Docs, and used these tools to research environmental issues, virtually tour the planet (and universe), and collaborate to build sophisticated presentations on habitats around the world.

I'm not sure who had more fun -- the teachers or the kids! As the week came to a close, we asked them all to reflect back on what they had learned, and I just can't help but share some of their responses:

I didn't know I could ____ with Google Earth
  • fly (Matt, 6th grader)
  • see all the rides at Disney World (Gwen, 4th grader)
  • learn about endangered animals (Aditya, 7th grader)
The coolest place I saw was....
  • the Space Needle (Jack, 7th grader)
  • the Empire State Building (Jake)
  • the entire universe (Andrew, 6th grader)
When I'm a grownup, I'll use Google Earth to...
  • find a place to go on vacation (Nick, 5th grader)
  • share global awareness about different countries to other people (Esha, 9th grader)
  • look at other galaxies, and see if there's traffic (Aditya, 7th grader)
If I worked on the Geo team, I would...
  • build more SketchUp buildings (Erik, 5th grader)
  • create a ship simulator in which you could be the captain of a ship (Ashna)
  • make a driving feature so people could pretend to drive on roads (Warren, 7th grader)

Posted by Tina Ornduff, Google Earth Education team


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Monday, July 14, 2008



据英国《每日电讯报》7月11日报道,"谷歌地球"(Google Earth)出动"间谍车",在英国各处秘密拍摄一条条街道和成百上千的英国家庭门前照片,并将它们放在网上,建立一个名为谷歌"街景地图"(Street View)的网站。该计划去年已经在美国进行,其目的是准备在全球推行,但是该计划被媒体和一些专业人士谴责为"完完全全的侵犯隐私行为"。


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via 月光博客 by (williamlong) on 7/13/08

  据英国《每日电讯报》7月11日报道,"谷歌地球"(Google Earth)出动"间谍车",在英国各处秘密拍摄一条条街道和成百上千的英国家庭门前照片,并将它们放在网上,建立一个名为谷歌"街景地图"(Street View)的网站。该计划去年已经在美国进行,其目的是准备在全球推行,但是该计划被媒体和一些专业人士谴责为"完完全全的侵犯隐私行为"。

  据介绍,"街景地图"网站将会使世界上任何一人随便输入一个英国的地址或是邮编,通过点击屏幕上的箭头就能立马看到一张360度的街头图片,还会包括建筑物、汽车以及人群的特写镜头,显示出人们进出医院、保健诊所、成人商店以及酒店的情景。 用户就像是亲自行走在大街上,并且图片每过一段时间都会更新一次。该网站去年在美国的一些主要城市就已经推出。





  国际隐私权保障组织 (Privacy International)警告说,该网站所进行的可能是一个大规模的侵犯隐私权行为。他们准备正式起诉谷歌,除非该公司保证将车牌号码或是人脸全部作模糊处理。一位该组织的发言人说:"在谷歌街景地图完全遵守了当地法律法规之前,我们不会在英国推出它。"



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Sunday, July 13, 2008


Google Maps Image Update July 08

You're reading an entry from Google Sightseeing, which is copyright © 2008 Alex Turnbull & James Turnbull and must not be reproduced without permission.


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Image Update July 08

via Google Sightseeing by Alex on 7/12/08

Another month, another image update! Frank at seems to have been first to spot that there's new imagery appearing in Google Earth at the moment. Currently unavailable in Google Maps1, the new imagery has so far been found to include:

Best of all (coinciding nicely with our launch of Google Sightseeing Español), it seems Spain has had a major update, which includes:

Catalonia, Murcia, Zaragoza, Toledo, Granada, Cuenca, Cáceres, Valencia, Lleida, Tarragona, Barcelona.

So, has anyone spotted anywhere else with new imagery?2

  1. Which usually takes a week or two. 

  2. You can confirm whether the imagery is new by clicking on the "View in Google Maps" and checking for differences. 


You're reading an entry from Google Sightseeing, which is copyright © 2008 Alex Turnbull & James Turnbull and must not be reproduced without permission.


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